Han Jihyun


Spell Caster


Jihyun turns his wishes into spells just by saying them outloud. Literally, if he has a strong enough will, he has a way. The spells can be used to conjure objects, manipulate objects, heal and enhance strength in himself or others, be temporarily clarivoyant, erase an object from existance, change perceived reality, manipulate the will and powers of others and even affect the very fabric of reality.
He is not limited to creations or changing reality - he can also will himself to have certain powers and abilities as long as the wish is strong enough (such as the teleportation, flight, the use of magical energy to create magic blasts, shields, weapons and the like, etc). He could potentially acquire any ability once he figured out the proper wording and the power of will to maintain it as needed.

Innate Skills

Spell Casting
Reality Warping
Ability Creation
Elemental Manipulation

Mastered Skills

Magic Blasts
Force Field
Enhanced Condition

Locked Skills

Golem Creation
Energy Erasure
Spatial Manipulation
Support Powers
Mind Reading
Emotion Manipulation
Temporal Erasure
Indomitable Will


Quote: Caroline Myss

"Faith requires action. This is our world as well as God's. We are in charge of this mess. People who think or believe or hope some off-planet God is going to dive down here and prevent all-hell from breaking loose is seriously mistaken. We are free to nuke ourselves, if that's where our madness leads us. Free will includes directions to hell. That said, I have endless faith in the unseen benevolence of the Divine. Endless faith. That may strike you as a contradiction - so what. I don't care. I live an interior place of spiritual mystery, mysticism, and the miraculous. I love this interior address.
So, look alive every one. It's time to utilize the power of your soul, your consciousness and your conscience. And that is not a political statement. It is a call to your humanity - as well as a call to prayer..."


Once he's done something, can he always do it?
No, there are certain abilities or things he's done once and not been able to do again. The gained perception of their consequences affects his ability to will it to happen again.
Does he have to speak in order for his requite to work?
Yes, not just speak but also hear himself say the words for them to gain power. Usually he has to say it more than once, a drawn out chant that becomes true once it's built itself up properly.
Is there a limit to what he can or can't do?
Not currently known. His only limitations seems to be his will for it to happen, and the scope of how well he can grasp and verballize said will.